23 January – 22 April 2025
GVPL Emily Carr Branch
3521 Blanshard St #101, Victoria, BC
MTWFS 10am-6pm / Th 10am-7pm
Artist Statement:
My journey started as a child. I started with acrylic painting, which led me to going further to exploring different mediums like charcoal, watercolor and oil pastels. As per now, I am searching my path in contemporary arts.
I am showcasing my portrait and wheel series collection. ” The Wheels ” represent the various types of wheels beyond and above the universe. Each wheel has its own characteristics which make them uniquely special. it is all about the circle and line. However, it’s not just geometry but the thin string aligning with the endless loop of the universe.
The place where I was born and raised makes me name it Samaya Chakra समयचक्र translated as ” Time Wheel ” and also the meaning behind the series is Anadi Aannat translated अनादि अनन्त as without any beginning and ending.
About the Artist:
Born and raised in Kathmandu,Nepal. I inherited my artistic genes from my family. Being a member of the tharu tribe, our culture and traditions involve worshiping nature and this is expressed through many mediums. I strongly follow this tradition with my art. Through it, I want to share my affection towards nature, beings and exploring the gifts of nature.